Dayton Branch NAACP


Willie A. Terrell, Jr.

Monthly Spotlight:

Scholarship Application Guidelines

The Dayton Unit NAACP Scholarship Program provides scholarships for tuition, books, required fees and educational expenses for undergraduate study at any accredited university or college. This prestigious award is presented to high school graduates who maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrate, marked leadership and academic abilities, and demonstrate a commitment to making a difference in the community. Also, the high school students must be a member of the NAACP in Montgomery County.

General Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a graduating from high school senior
  • Applicant must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Applicant must be active in the community
  • Applicant must be a member of the NAACP in Montgomery County
  • Applicant must sign the application and have a parent/guardian signature on the application
  • Applicant must obtain a copy of the 2019 fourth quarter nine weeks' grade report from high school counselor.
  • Applicant must list the universities, and or colleges you plan to attend
  • Applicant must attach a recommendation form from a principal, counselor or teacher.
  • Applicant must answer the essay question. How did your extracurricular activities/ civic and community involvement make you a better student and citizen? (The answer must be typed in font type "Times New Roman" and font size "12" and be approximately 100 words)
  • The applicant must complete the essay, impact statement and the scholarship application in order to be considered for this scholarship.

Scholarship Essays:

Applicant must complete the essays in order to be considered for this scholarship. The essay must be typed in font type “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.

1) How did your extracurricular activities/ civic and community involvement make you a better student and citizen? (The answer must be approximately 100 words) All applicants must answer this question.

2) To be considered for the Derrick L. Foward, M.C.E. Visionary Leadership Scholarship, you must type an essay to the following questions: "If you were an entrepreneur, what would be the vision statement of your company, and why? This must also include a business plan. These questions should spark the entrepreneurial spirit that is harnessed deep within the soul. Students need to consider becoming an entrepreneur so they are in a better position to solve today's problems and be independent and not dependent on others.

Applications must be postmarked by Monday, October 10, 2019 Faxed and late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. For more information or questions please contact (937) 258-8694.

Completed applications, essay, grade report, and letter of recommendation form must be mailed to:

Dayton Unit NAACP

Attn: Willie A. Terrell, Jr., Chairperson

Gooding, Williamson & Foward Visionary Leadership Scholarship

1528 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way Dayton, OH 45402

Committee Objectives: