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Rev. Dr. David L. Fox

  • Chair
  • Criminal Justice
  • Retired Chief of Police
  • Central State University
  • United Theological Seminary

Rev. Dr. David I. Fox is a native of Dayton, Ohio. He graduated from Roosevelt High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Central State University; a Master of Arts in Religious Education and the degree of Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary with a concentration in Social Justice and Political Action studies. 

Dr. Fox is best-known for his civil rights involvement and violence prevention efforts. He served for many years as both Chairman of the Peace Bridge Celebration and Coordinator of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Celebration. 

Dr. Fox retired from Wilberforce University as Police Chief and adjunct professor. He is a Baptist minister and his current civic activities include: Dayton Unit NAACP Criminal Justice Chair and Executive Committee member; member of the Justice Committee for the Montgomery County Jail, and Dayton Citizens’ Appeals Board member. He is also, a Silver Life Member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Life Member of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).